Sunday, October 14, 2007

Voters Roundly Reject MMP

Today, the system we have is democracy and it is easy to say that the majority of the population will not want to change anything because it is safer to stick with what we already know. Sticking to what we know and improving the things that need to be improved in democracy can possibly be the best choice because it is much safer than starting from scratch risking possible failure. Face it, no one likes change, the citizens of Ontario doesn’t like change. For that reason, for the MMP to become more recognized as something of value, the people must be educated in knowing they have the opportunity get their word out. Things can change if people become more aware of voting and what is being offered. To tell you the truth, I don’t even know much about voting and I didn’t even vote this year because I told myself that it didn’t concern me. However, it concerns everyone and I can confidently say that I should have voted because a single vote could have made a difference. From that, I learned that voting was something that was important to everyone a country and that they should get there voice out to what they believe is right.

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